Sooo Mid-late August, Andy, Eric, Peter and Erin come to New York City. First show was in the Basement of the Apocalypse Lounge down in alphabet city. i think it was 4th Street btwn Avenue A & B. Supposedly there was a porn shoot that was suppose to happen than night. Wild times! Here is Eric after the gig.

Takin it easy

Andy Jordan and Erin Elmsley. Good peeps

Eric takin the low road to stardom

Peter and Eric.

Layin down on the job again.

Jonny Monster, Masha and Melissa. Smokin!

jess and Diana from the Weekends (or big fun)

Lefty Lefty Lefty! I love you dude! We had some good times. It was always fun to watch you play. You kick ass dude.

The Rats! Jakey, Lefty and Snakes on drums


Walkin to the show.

The Rats - New York City Rock and Roll

Jakey Lee

Joshy takes a break

I got this bb gun and we had some great shoots on the roof. good times.

Jaime and Tristan on the roof. Hangin before the show.

Joe cooking up a storm.

The Time Flys - writing a set list before the show. hangin at our greenpoint house.