Heres us at the mermaid Parade - June 25th 2005. New York City! Home of me!

Heres andy and his friend from Upstate.

the Truly Terrific - Melissa Anne

Ugly (Matt from the Mistakes)



I see this guy EVERYWHERE!! and his green haired dog.

Coney Island - Home of the Cyclone (I have yet to ride it)

Hey Look everyone - its congressman Anthony Weiner - shaking hands and kissing babies. I remember shaking his hand.

This is the Great Baroness! Abbey! She also used to write for some of my favorite smut magazines. and she has been doing a fetish party on the LES for many years! it was cool meeting her.

Mr. Jake Boyle and Andy hangin outside Rubys

Aaron Lefkove

Joshy Styles
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