The night usually began like this. Just some friends drinking.

Cheers to Life! To the Days Ahead! To the adventures to be had! and To the Good Times and Good Friends!

Anna Copa Cabana Shakin it for the money!


Jaime was Go-Go gettin those bills!

Shameless, Shameless self promotion. Sorry Andy, I had to put this one up. its F'in Great! Who wouldn't go to a show being promoted this way? Stalkers Rule, OK?

Oh i remember the looong ass hours it took you to make that dress. Came out beautiful. Great job!


More Teeth!


this moment, in the bathroom at beauty bar, i realized that red light gets rid of your blemishes and you come out lookin pretty damn cool. I just had to take this pic. what can i say? im a leo.

Styles at the controls

Dude! Chelsea is further west!

i could have cropped out that stain, but i left my photoshop at work.

this stain is much better.

Oh Aileen. I do miss u so! And all ur funny faces.

Daniel, Meet Dan. Dan, Meet Daniel. photo by Danny.
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